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Artwork by Callie Fins

Quote of the Day: “Our eyes are focused on an unexplored horizon, of what has always been.”

Lyrics from “One More Day” – 10 Years

Latest Brain Dumps


“Hatred is a strong word and one that I’ve disassociated myself from more and more as I’ve gotten older, as I no longer have the energy for all the grudges and pettiness that tended to consume me in my youth. But those feelings do manifest in the deepest, darkest depths of myself from time to…


“Everyone goes through trials and tribulations in their life, occasionally falling in the deepest of valleys. In my honest opinion, it’s not those hardships that define a person’s worth, but instead, a person’s true value should be determined by their response in the face of such adversity and whether or not they pick themselves up,…


“Losing a loved one is probably the most difficult thing a person can go through, especially if they had a profound impact on your life, so letting go can seem downright unfathomable at times. But, it is imperative to do your best to honor their memory and hope that, one day, your paths will cross…

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